SCAS - Biotechnology,
மாவட்ட அளவில் SCAS வாலிபால் அணி மாணவர்கள் இரண்டாம் பரிசு 8000 ரூபாய் வென்று வெற்றி பெற்றுள்ளனர்

30 students have participated in Intercollegiate competition conducted by, J. J college of Arts & Science, Pudukottai.
They participated in various competition like model presentation, photography, short Film making, Rangoli, quiz, flameless cooking, Advertisement.

*Our students have won 2 prizes*
- Third prize - Rangoli
- Third Prize - Model making
Desika- II PG
Parkavi- II PG
Swetha- II UG
Krisha Priya - II UG
Biotechnology Participated in Cenitterz T- 23 conducted by Department of Microbiology,Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli and won Prize in the event
Other students participated in Master mind, promo- o mania, just a minute, vegetables carving, crown a masl, heatless rokerz, brush off brush, shoot your research.

SCAS-MBio students participated (28-02-23) in the Inter-Collegiate National Science Day Competition held at Dept. of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University
Our students have got 4 prizes.
- 1. Petri-art - 2nd prize
- 2. Heatless rockerz - 2nd prize
- 3. Adzap - 3rd prize
- 4. Poster -3rd prize

our students took part in Two State Level Meet in Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi and Nehru Memorial College, Puthnampatti and won 4 Prizes .
NMC, Trichy Rangoli- 1st prize Saranya- I PG Desika- I PG |
Model presentation- 2nd prize Deepika- II UG Ragavi- II UG |
Chess- 3rd Prize Arun Prasath- IPG Abinaya- III UG |
ANJAC, Sivakasi Turn coat - 1 st prize Jaber saathick- |

Student Achievements - 2023
Ace Cultural Team of SCAS has bagged Over all Second prize in *Mamadhurai Kalai thiruvizha* @ Mannar Thirumalai Naicker college, Madhurai on 29-01-23.
15 colleges , 500 + students, 14 events....
Event Details 👇
- 1) Solo Singing - Ist Prize
- 2) Fireless Cooking - Ist Prize
- 3) Silambam - Ist Prize
- 4) Western dance - II nd Prize
- 5) Folk Dance - II nd Prize
- 6) Mime - II nd Prize
- 7) Photography - III Prize
- 8) Mimicry - III Prize..

Kalaivani (1st year student of Microbiology) won the second prize in the Election Commission song competition held at the district level.