Grievance Redressal Committee
About the Cell
Students Counseling and Grievance Redressal Cell has been established to address the diverse socio-economic handicaps and geographic backgrounds of the heterogeneous population of students coming to our college in relation to equity of access and placement opportunities through availability of appropriate institutional support information. Linguistic differences and cultural gaps among students also call for the setting up of such a dispensation for suitable guidance and support in this age of globalization and competitive placements. Availability of relevant and accessible information coupled with professional guidance to utilize the same can result into better career achievements outside the classrooms and help in their healthy progression of our students.
To redress the grievances of numerous students who come from far and near an exclusive Students Counseling and Grievance Redressal Cell with senior faculty members has beenconstituted. The students' problems are redressed at the earliest mediated by the Cell.
Members of the Cell
Name of the Faculty | Designation | Mobile Number |
Dr.N.Vetrivelan | Principal | 7096644473 |
Dr.D.Mahesh | Dir/DOMS | 9655855475 |
Mr.C.Chandra Chowdry | HOD of English | 8760284230 |
Mrs.R.Karthika | HOD of Commerce | 9787844878 |
Mrs.S.Sophia | HOD of Mathematics | 8056540340 |
Mrs.K.Ramya | HOD of Biotechnology | 8072721947 |
Mrs.K.Gayathri | AP in Tamil | 9952237420 |